Běleč nad Orlicí I

Registry number of area: 7/1109
Alternative name of quarry: Marokánka
Region: Královéhradecký
Cadastral area:

Type of rock: sand


Městské Lesy Hradec Králové a.s.
Přemyslova čp. 219
Hradec Králové - Nový Hradec Králové 50008

Tel: 495 272 656
E-mail: mlhk@vslesy.cz
WWW: http://mestske-lesy.cz


N: 50°10'59"
E: 15°57'40"




The sand quarry is located in a forest about 2 km southwest from Třebechovice pod Orebem, about 500 m west from road No. 298. The quarry produces pit and washed sand of various fractions. The sand is mined from a wall as high as 8.5 m with another 1.5 m made up of capping. By 2019, the quarry capacity will have been completely mined out, which is why mining in the nearby Marokánka II quarry located east from road No. 298 is being prepared; its expected deposit will last for another 60 years (N-50°10’52”; E-15°58’07”).