Třeboc - malý lom

Registry number of area: 3112401
Alternative name of quarry: Řevničov - Třeboc
Region: Středočeský
Cadastral area: Třeboc

Type of stone: opoka
Stone name: Džbán opoka
Alternative name of stone: -


Spongilit PP s.r.o.
K výtopně 1224
Praha 5 - Zbraslav 15600

Tel: 739 496 297
E-mail: peller@spongilit.cz
WWW: http://www.spongilit.cz/


N: 50°11'57"
E: 13°45'35"




A small quarry located on a slope of the Džbán hill at the edge of a forest, about 350 metres east from road No. 359, leading from Třeboc to Hředlí. The quarry is accessible via a forest path leading from a sharp turn off this road. Opoka is mined by breaking it off the wall using a loader. It is then transported to a nearby plant, where it is processed into fine stonework products or is sold as quarry stone.