Tovačov I, II, IV
- Quarry
- Particle morphology
- Chemical and phase composition
- Sand leachate and leachate analysis
- Physical properties
- Notes and Literature
Registry number of area: 7/0856 ,7/0041,7/1107Alternative name of quarry: Region: OlomouckýCadastral area: Type of rock: sand
Českomoravský štěrkMokrá 359Mokrá - Horákov 664 04 Tel: 544 122 111 E-mail: WWW: www.heidelbergcement.comCoordinates
N: 49°24'58" E: 17°18'15"Map
The raw material is quarried from the lake to the southeast of Tovačov by an electric grab dredger or by bucket excavator. It is loaded onto boats which are pulled to the wharf by tugs. It is then loaded by a bucket elevator onto conveyor belts running to the treatment plant approx. 800 m away. The raw material is washed and sorted into fractions of 0-1, 0-2, 0-4, 4-8, 8-16, 16-32 and 32-63 mm. The treatment plant is accessed via the turn-off leading south from highway No. 434 between Tovačov and the village of Troubky. It is equipped with a conical oversize fraction crusher. There is a railroad siding leading to the plant that enables products to be transported by train as well as by cargo truck.