Horní Řasnice

Registry number of area: 7/0118
Alternative name of quarry:
Region: Liberecký
Cadastral area:

Type of rock: sand


EUROVIA Kamenolomy, a.s.
nám. Soukenné 115/6
Liberec 7 460 07

Tel: 487 851 608
E-mail: rasnice@eurovia.cz
WWW: www.euroviakamenolomy.cz


N: 50°58'43"
E: 15°12'22"




This large sand quarry is located about 500 metres west from the road between Horní Řásnice and Srbská, from which a turn leads to the quarry. Sand is mined by a loader on four storeys with thickness of about 6 m; the fifth storey consists of the capping. The quarry produces pit stone, which is sorted into fractions of 0-2, 0-4, and 0-8 mm.