- Quarry
- Stone appearance
- Petrographic examination
- Physical properties
- Frost resistance
- Particle size distribution by image analysis
- Chemical and phase composition
- Notes and literature
Registry number of area: 7/0875Alternative name of quarry: -Region: KrálovéhradeckýCadastral area: Božanov Type of stone: sandstone Stone name: Božanov sandstone Alternative name of stone: broumov sandstone
Granit Lipnice s.r.o.Jiráskova 39Teplice nad Metují 549 57 Tel: 491 581 059 E-mail: WWW: www.granit-lipnice.czCoordinates
N: 50°30'17" E: 16°20'15"Map
The quarry is located about 2 km southwest from the village of Božanov near the Czech-Poland state border, in Broumov Walls, on the northwestern slope of the forested Lopata hill. It is the largest wall quarry for decorative stone in the Czech Republic. It has three floors. The bottom floor currently contains a pile; however, its removal and mining are planned. The bottom part of the quarry contains medium grained sandstone; the upper floors contain coarse-grained sandstone. Geological conditions allow for breaking off large sandstone blocks. It is estimated that the quarry contains decorative stone reserves for a further 120 years. Stone from the quarry is transported for processing to a plant at 39 Jiráskova Street in Teplice nad Metují, where it is further processed for gross and fine stonework products (skirting stone, paving, tiling, garden architecture elements).