Černovice V
- Quarry
- Particle morphology
- Chemical and phase composition
- Sand leachate and leachate analysis
- Physical properties
- Notes and Literature
Registry number of area: 7/1012Alternative name of quarry: Region: JihomoravskýCadastral area: ČernoviceType of rock: sand
Pískovna Černovice s.r.o.Vinohradská 1198/83Brno-Černovice 618 00 Tel: 724 996 325 E-mail: kubik@piskovna-cernovice.cz WWW: www.piskovna-cernovice.czCoordinates
N: 49°10'38" E: 16°39'08"Map
The three-storey sand quarry is situated in the Brno district of Černovice, southeast from Černovická Street. It is accessible via a road leading southeast from the east end of Havraní Street for about 150 m towards the sand quarry administration building. The sand quarry produces mortar pit sand with a high content of wash-out particles.