Černá Voda

Registry number of area: 7/0474
Alternative name of quarry: Nový lom
Region: Olomoucký
Cadastral area: Černá Voda

Type of stone: granite
Stone name: Silesian granite
Alternative name of stone: -


Slezský kámen a.s.
Josefa Hory 679/4A
Jeseník 790 01

Tel: 584 497 100, 724 012 587
E-mail: kamen@kamen.cz
WWW: www.kamen.cz


N: 50°17'56"
E: 17°07'48"




An extensive and easily accessible granite pit quarry, which is located about 200 metres south from road No. 456 between Žulová and Černá Voda, approximately 500 metres northeast from the Žulová II quarry (Huttung) and 500 metres southwest from the Žulová quarry (Petrov), all of which are owned by Slezský kámen a.s. Geological conditions of the quarry enable mining of relatively large blocks weighing up to tens of tonnes. The quarry owner has equipment for processing granite up to fine stonework products (cutting, polishing, grinding, jetting, etc.).