- Quarry
- Particle morphology
- Chemical and phase composition
- Sand leachate and leachate analysis
- Physical properties
- Notes and Literature
Registry number of area: 5210500Alternative name of quarry: Region: ÚsteckýCadastral area: RoztylyType of rock: sand
Severočeské pískovny a štěrkovny s.r.o.Chbany-Roztyly 3Žatec 438 01 Tel: 474 392 093 E-mail: WWW: www.spbohemia.czCoordinates
N: 50°21'03" E: 13°27'22"Map
This relatively small two-storey quarry is located about 300 m west from Břežany and is accessible via a westbound turn from the road connecting Břežany with road No. 225. Sand is transported to a plant situated about 200 m west from the nearby village of Roztyly for washing and sorting. The sand quarry therefore only produces washed and sorted sand; it also offers unwashed sand, which comes from other sources (Bohušovice nad Ohří). In 2012, a mining area situated about 1 km southeast from Roztyly near road No. 225 next to the village of Chbany was being prepared; from here the material will be transported for processing using belt conveyors. The sample for analysis was taken from the sand quarry, i.e. unwashed sand, sorted manually into a fraction of 2-4 mm.