Čeperka I

Registry number of area: 7/1143
Alternative name of quarry:
Region: Královéhradecký
Cadastral area:

Type of rock: sand


Holcim (Česko) a.s.
Tovární ul. 296
Prachovice 538 04

Tel: 469 810 111
E-mail: jan.zeman@holcim.cz
WWW: www.holcim.cz


N: 50°07'22"
E: 15°44'51"




The Čeperka sand quarry is situated 1.7 km east from the village of Staré Ždánice and is accessible via a northbound turn at Ždánický Dvůr from the road leading from this village to road No. 37. Sand is mined by a bucket excavator from under the water surface and is then transported by belt conveyors to the sorting and washing line. The sand quarry therefore only produces washed sand with differed grain-size fractions.