- Quarry
- Stone appearance
- Petrographic examination
- Physical properties
- Frost resistance
- Particle size distribution by image analysis
- Chemical and phase composition
- Notes and literature
Registry number of area: 7/0916Alternative name of quarry: Vápenice IRegion: StředočeskýCadastral area: Vápenice Type of stone: granite Stone name: Sedlčany granite Alternative name of stone: Vápenice granite
ČESKÁ ŽULA-VápeniceVysoký ChlumecSedlčany 264 01 Tel: 383 317 715, 606 690 290 E-mail: odbyt@cezula.cz WWW: www.cezula.czCoordinates
N: 49°37'24" E: 14°24'47"Map
Granite pit quarry with block mining in layers with a thickness of up to 4 metres, located about 300 metres northeast from the village of Vápenice. The quarry is easily accessible from the village via a local road. The mined stone is transported to a nearby non-mined Vápenice quarry, located at the western border of the village of Vápenice near road No. 105, which includes gross and fine stonework production plants (cutting, polishing and jetting). The geological conditions and equipment of the plant allow mining and processing of monumental blocks. For example, the 10 metre high pylon used in the memorial in front of the Emmaus Monastery in Prague comes from this quarry.