- Quarry
- Particle morphology
- Chemical and phase composition
- Sand leachate and leachate analysis
- Physical properties
- Notes and Literature
Registry number of area: 3004900Alternative name of quarry: Region: KrálovéhradeckýCadastral area: PlačiceType of rock: sand
Hradecký písek a.s.ul. ŽižkovaBrno - Žabovřesky 616 00 Tel: 739 634 418 E-mail: WWW: www.hradeckypisek.czCoordinates
N: 50°11'29" E: 15°46'56"Map
The sand quarry is located about 400 m southeast from Plačice and is accessible via the road connecting Plačice and the district of Pražské předměstí in Hradec Králové. Sand is mined from under the water surface by a bucket excavator and is transported for further processing using belt conveyors. The sand quarry only produces washed sand with differed grain-size fractions.