Kaznějov I, II

Registry number of area: 6/0371,6/0377
Alternative name of quarry:
Region: Plzeňský
Cadastral area:

Type of rock: sand


č.p. 431
Horní Bříza 330 12

Tel: 378 071 111
E-mail: minerals@cz.lasselsberger.com
WWW: www.lb-minerals.cz


N: 49°53'41"
E: 13°20'14"




Kaznějov is the largest quarry of its kind in Europe. It is located in a forest south of road No. 204 connecting Kaznějov and Mrtník. Kaolinite clay is mined in the quarry with sand as the by-product created during its purification, i.e. during the production of kaolin. Kaolinka is a part of the quarry and is situated at its eastern border. The sand is light, quartzose and angular. The sand is produced in fractions of 0-1, 0-2, 0-4, 4-8, 8-16, 16-22, 22-70 mm The 0-4 mm fraction is supplied in three variants with different shapes of the gradation curve. The sample for testing was taken from the 0-4 MIX fraction, which is characterised by a higher ratio of small-size grains.