Dřenice I

Registry number of area: 7/1042
Alternative name of quarry:
Region: Karlovarský
Cadastral area:

Type of rock: sand


České štěrkopísky spol. s r.o.
Cukrovarská 34
Praha 9 - Čakovice 196 00

Tel: 354 430 337, 739 506 918
E-mail: drenice@ceske-sterkopisky.cz
WWW: www.ceske-sterkopisky.cz


N: 50°04'17"
E: 12°25'56"




The Dřevnice sand quarry is situated between road R6 and the Jesenice water reservoir. It is accessible from the road connecting Dolní Dvory with road No. 21 via a southeast turn. Sand in Dřenice is mined on three levels from about 6 m high walls using loaders. The capping thickness reaches up to 8 m. The sand is coloured in different shades of ochre. The mined material is transported to the border of the sand quarry, where it is washed and sorted to gain-size fractions of 0-2 and 0-4 mm. In addition to sand, the quarry also produces gravel of different fractions. Mining is carried out in the southwestern and western direction.