Velký Grunov
- Quarry
- Particle morphology
- Chemical and phase composition
- Sand leachate and leachate analysis
- Physical properties
- Notes and Literature
Registry number of area: 7/0099Alternative name of quarry: BrništěRegion: LibereckýCadastral area: Type of rock: sand
ZOD Brniště a.s. - Velký Grunov štěrkopísekJáchymov 1Brniště 471 29 Tel: 487 850 132, 736 752 470 E-mail: WWW: www.zodbrniste.czCoordinates
N: 50°41'38" E: 14°42'41"Map
The two-storey sand quarry of Brniště is located on the southern border of the village of Velký Grunov, about 200 metres west from the road leading from Pertoltice pod Ralskem. The sand is mined from the wall by a loader and then sorted to a production fraction of 0-4 mm.