- Quarry
- Stone appearance
- Petrographic examination
- Physical properties
- Frost resistance
- Particle size distribution by image analysis
- Chemical and phase composition
- Notes and literature
Registry number of area: 7/1002Alternative name of quarry: OlšíRegion: VysočinaCadastral area: Olší Type of stone: granite Stone name: Olší granite Alternative name of stone: Mysletice granite
KAVEX - GRANIT HOLDING, a.s.Mrákotín 255Mrákotín 58854 Tel: 567 317 002 E-mail: WWW: http://www.kavex.infoCoordinates
N: 49°09'01" E: 15°23'19"Map
The quarry cuts into a forested slope about 750 metres north from the village of Mysletice. The best access to the quarry is via a road leading northeast from the eastern border of the village. After 750 m a northeast turn leads to the quarry Stone blocks are mined by blasting off the wall.