Štramberk I

Registry number of area: 6/0167
Alternative name of quarry:
Region: Moravskoslezský
Cadastral area:

Type of rock: limestone


KOTOUČ ŠTRAMBERK, spol. s r.o.
Libotín 500
Štramberk 742 66

Tel: 556 873 111
E-mail: podatelna@kotouc.cz
WWW: www.kotouc.cz


N: 49°34'48"
E: 18°06'42"




This extensive nine-storey limestone quarry is cut into the south slope of Kotouč hill, which is situated between Štramberk, Kopřivnice and Ženklava. It is accessible from highway No. 480 by taking the turn-off north on the northern edge of the village of Ženklava. The limestone is removed by bench blasting and the quarried raw material is processed in the lime works to form crushed and ground limestone, calcinated in shaft furnaces to form lime and then hydrated (slaked) to make hydrated lime.