- Quarry
- Stone appearance
- Petrographic examination
- Physical properties
- Frost resistance
- Particle size distribution by image analysis
- Chemical and phase composition
- Notes and literature
Registry number of area: 7/1137Alternative name of quarry: Kamenná nad Oslavou IRegion: VysočinaCadastral area: Kamenná nad Oslavou Type of stone: granite Stone name: Kamenná granite Alternative name of stone: Kamenná granite
Granit Zedníček s.r.o.Kamenná 81Budišov 67503 Tel: 777875245 E-mail: info@zednicek.com WWW: http://www.zednicek.com/Coordinates
N: 49°16'40" E: 16°04'14"Map
The granite pit quarry is located on the edge of a forest about 400 metres northeast from the village of Kamenná. It is accessible via road No. 390 between Kamenná and Tasov. Blocks of stone are mined by blasting and are processed into fine stonework products near the quarry. Stonework shops provide equipment for cutting, polishing, grinding, daubing and dipping. Stone from the Mrákotín I quarry, which is owned by the same owner, is also processed in this stonework shop.