- Quarry
- Particle morphology
- Chemical and phase composition
- Sand leachate and leachate analysis
- Physical properties
- Notes and Literature
Registry number of area: 7/0655Alternative name of quarry: Region: ZlínskýCadastral area: Type of rock: sand
Českomoravský štěrk, a. s.Mokrá 359Mokrá - Horákov 644 04 Tel: 544 122 111 E-mail: WWW: www.heidelbergcement.comCoordinates
N: 49°18'00" E: 17°28'14"Map
The sand is extracted from a lake which is situated to the southwest of Hulín. The raw material is extracted by suction or grab dredger from below the water level, from a depth of up to 20 m. It is then loaded onto a boat and, with the help of tugs, transported to the wharf. A bucket elevator then places it on a conveyor belt and, after rough sorting, the sand is transferred by further conveyor belts to the treatment plant approx. 0.7 km away. There, it is washed and sorted to fractions of 0-1, 0-4, 0-8, 8-16, and 16-32 mm. The treatment plant lies on the southern edge of Hulín, by highway No. 656 to Tlumačov, and is equipped with a conical oversize fraction crusher.