
Registry number of area: 5260600
Alternative name of quarry:
Region: Plzeňský
Cadastral area: Chotíkov

Type of rock: sand


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N: 49°48'36"
E: 13°16'48"




The four-storey sand quarry is located on the slope below road E49, about 2 km northwest from the village of Chotíkov. It is accessible via a road leading from this village or via a turnoff from road E49, which connects to this road from Chotíkov after about 50 m. The sand quarry produced mortar (unwashed) sand. Washed sand with fractions of 0-2 and 0-4 mm and gravel with various fractions of up to 116-45 mm are supplied by the nearby Příšov sand quarry, which is located about 1.5 km east. The quarrying of sand has ended and the sand quarry is currently used by the company EUROVIA Kamenolomy, a.s. for recycling and storage of construction waste.