Cep II

Registry number of area: 7/0913
Alternative name of quarry:
Region: Plzeňský
Cadastral area: Suchdol nad Lužnicí

Type of rock: sand


Českomoravský štěrk, a.s.
Mokrá 359
Mokrá - Horákov 664 04

Tel: 544 122 111
E-mail: cmsterk@cmsterk.cz
WWW: www.heidelbergcement.com


N: 48°54'48"
E: 14°52'44"




Sand in this large sand quarry is mined from up to an 18 m thick wall, of which about 12 metres is under the water. The mining is carried out from below the water surface by a bucket excavator and subsequently by a suction dredge. The sand is then transported by tow boats for further processing. Due to the mining method, the sand quarry only produces washed sand with fractions of 0-4, 4-8, 8-16 mm. The sample for analysis was taken from the Cep II quarry, which is situated in a forest about 2.5 km north from Suchdol nad Lužnicí, west of road No. 24 (E49). The Cep and Cep I quarries, with only connected maintenance mining, are located near this quarry east of road No. 24.