
Registry number of area: 5254800
Alternative name of quarry: -
Region: Středočeský
Cadastral area: Kozárovice

Type of stone: granite
Stone name: Kozárovice granite
Alternative name of stone: -


ŽULA, spol. s r.o.
Lom Vachatovka
Kozárovice 262 84

Tel: 725 065 600
E-mail: info@zulakozarovice.cz
WWW: www.zulakozarovice.cz


N: 49°33'21"
E: 14°07'17"




There are four active quarries near Kozárovice. The Kozárovice Vachatovka pit quarry is situated about 500 metres east from the village centre, and to the north it borders on the Kozárovice quarry. The Kozárovice Vachatovka quarry can be accessed from the village centre (square) via a local road leading east from the main road directly to the quarry. After about 300 metres a southbound road turns to this quarry. Geological conditions do not allow mining of monumental blocks. Stone is processed into gross stonework products directly on the quarry site. The capping bed contains numerous round erratic boulders of up to 3 m3, which are used in modern architecture and artistic sculptures.