
Registry number of area: 5231200
Alternative name of quarry: Švorc
Region: Středočeský
Cadastral area: Kozárovice

Type of stone: granite
Stone name: Kozárovice granite
Alternative name of stone: -


HERLIN spol. s r. o.
Smetanova 328
Příbram III 261 01

Tel: 318 493 001, fax: 318 620 658
E-mail: info@herlin-granit.com
WWW: www.herlin-granit.com


N: 49°33'27"
E: 14°07'17"




There are four active quarries near Kozárovice. The Kozárovice pit quarry, also called Švorc, is situated about 500 metres east from the village centre, and to the south it borders on the Kozárovice Vachatovka quarry. The Kozárovice quarry can be accessed from the village centre (square) via a local road leading east from the main road directly to the quarry. Stone is processed into gross stonework products directly on the quarry site.