Kozárovice II

Registry number of area: 7/0918
Alternative name of quarry: -
Region: Středočeský
Cadastral area: Kozárovice

Type of stone: granite
Stone name: Kozárovice granite
Alternative name of stone: -


Průmysl kamene a. s.
Čs. armády č. p. 1
Příbram IV 261 01

Tel: 318 404 111
E-mail: obchod@prumysl-kamene.cz
WWW: www.prumysl-kamene.cz


N: 49°33'3''
E: 14°06'26''




There are four active quarries near Kozárovice. The Kozárovice II pit quarry is the only one situated at the southern border of the village. The Kozárovice II quarry can be accessed via an eastbound turn from the road between Zalužany and Kozárovice, which then turns south and ends at the quarry after about 500 metres. The quarry site includes gross stonework production. Part of the stone is transported to Slatina to be processed for fine stonework products.