Tis u Blatna

Registry number of area: 7/0274
Alternative name of quarry: -
Region: Plzeňský
Cadastral area: Tis u Blatna

Type of stone: granite
Stone name: Tis granite
Alternative name of stone: -


GRANIO s.r.o.
Kamenolom Tis u Blatna
Pošta Žihle 33165

Tel: 603996807
E-mail: info@granio.cz
WWW: www.granio.cz


N: 50°04'58"
E: 13°20'53"




The granite pit quarry is situated at the edge of a forest, on the northwestern slope of Žebrák hill, about 300 metres southeast from the centre of Tis u Blatna. Granite blocks in this pit quarry are mined by blasting. Stone is processed into gross stonework products at the quarry site.